full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Yuko Munakata: The science behind how parents affect child development

Unscramble the Blue Letters

My husband and I experienced this concept 20 years ago when we were 30,000 feet over the Atlantic, flying from cigahco to Stockholm to work on a research project. The flight attendants were clearing the dniner trays, plepoe were getting ready to selep. We hit a patch of bumpy air and a bunch of teenagers whooped in excitement. Then all of a sudden, the plane was plummeting, credhiln and food carts hit the ceiling. The plane seemed to stabilize, but then plummeted again. The ceiling panels flew up into their crtnetammops from the force, revealing wiring inside. Debris came crumbling down on us. People were seiancrmg and snbiobg. The plane plummeted again. After an eternity, the pilot came on and announced, "We don't know what that was. We don't know what's coming. Stay in your seats." My hbsuand came away from that experience feeling like planes are icidlebrny safe.

Open Cloze

My husband and I experienced this concept 20 years ago when we were 30,000 feet over the Atlantic, flying from _______ to Stockholm to work on a research project. The flight attendants were clearing the ______ trays, ______ were getting ready to _____. We hit a patch of bumpy air and a bunch of teenagers whooped in excitement. Then all of a sudden, the plane was plummeting, ________ and food carts hit the ceiling. The plane seemed to stabilize, but then plummeted again. The ceiling panels flew up into their ____________ from the force, revealing wiring inside. Debris came crumbling down on us. People were _________ and _______. The plane plummeted again. After an eternity, the pilot came on and announced, "We don't know what that was. We don't know what's coming. Stay in your seats." My _______ came away from that experience feeling like planes are __________ safe.


  1. husband
  2. incredibly
  3. compartments
  4. people
  5. children
  6. screaming
  7. sleep
  8. chicago
  9. sobbing
  10. dinner

Original Text

My husband and I experienced this concept 20 years ago when we were 30,000 feet over the Atlantic, flying from Chicago to Stockholm to work on a research project. The flight attendants were clearing the dinner trays, people were getting ready to sleep. We hit a patch of bumpy air and a bunch of teenagers whooped in excitement. Then all of a sudden, the plane was plummeting, children and food carts hit the ceiling. The plane seemed to stabilize, but then plummeted again. The ceiling panels flew up into their compartments from the force, revealing wiring inside. Debris came crumbling down on us. People were screaming and sobbing. The plane plummeted again. After an eternity, the pilot came on and announced, "We don't know what that was. We don't know what's coming. Stay in your seats." My husband came away from that experience feeling like planes are incredibly safe.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
parenting books 3
stop blaming 3
child development 2
children growing 2
shape children 2
parents matter 2
feel judged 2
dragon parents 2

Important Words

  1. air
  2. announced
  3. atlantic
  4. attendants
  5. bumpy
  6. bunch
  7. carts
  8. ceiling
  9. chicago
  10. children
  11. clearing
  12. coming
  13. compartments
  14. concept
  15. crumbling
  16. debris
  17. dinner
  18. eternity
  19. excitement
  20. experience
  21. experienced
  22. feeling
  23. feet
  24. flew
  25. flight
  26. flying
  27. food
  28. force
  29. hit
  30. husband
  31. incredibly
  32. panels
  33. patch
  34. people
  35. pilot
  36. plane
  37. planes
  38. plummeted
  39. plummeting
  40. project
  41. ready
  42. research
  43. revealing
  44. safe
  45. screaming
  46. seats
  47. sleep
  48. sobbing
  49. stabilize
  50. stay
  51. stockholm
  52. sudden
  53. teenagers
  54. trays
  55. whooped
  56. wiring
  57. work
  58. years